Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ski-ball and one scary mouse...

So I had a meeting today at non other than, Chuck E Cheese. What a job, I know! The elementary ministry wanted to say thank you to all of us who helped with the Jingle Blast event in December and so we went to the ever so famous CEC. A few of my friends (Josh and Sara in particular) were also invited to this day o fun and to use up some extra tokens we had left over we played some serious ski-ball. First of all, I suck at this game and I am to competitive for my own good, however, everytime one of us would get a ball in the 100,000pt slots we would jump up and down and scream, I seriously think this disturbed the other guests! What a blast! Other than the fact that Chuck himself is the scariest character I have ever seen, I think this place was built for me, I'll never grow up!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

$15 for this?

I recently have entered cold sore hell and have two massive sores on my face. What do I do?

There has to be a better way of getting rid of these blasted cold sores than spending a fortune on this Abreva. People say they have a million different remedies and I am looking for that one that works. I have heard to use Carmex on them, Tea bags, ice cubes, etc. Nothing works. Help! What do you know about cold sores and can you save me from the facial hell I have seemed to enter?

P.S. I love that my blog has to come to this, but I cant think of anything else with these things on my face....