Friday, December 30, 2005

Blog Neglect and why it happens to me...

Well here I am again trying to weasel my way out of the blog neglect I have put myself in. I'm not going to make name is Amanda, and I am a blog neglector.

I cannot just think up fun and whitty things to write about like others can, I feel like to make my posts fun I must add a pciture every time, when you have a bad day you dont always want to blog and share it with the world, plus I dont have to make excuses its my page right? I can neglect if I want to.

Ok anyway this whole Christmas and New Years thing is an obvious target for blogging it says "please write about me." I am going to resist and write about people who are left handed instead. Many of my close friends are left handed and my sister is left handed and I have to be honest I just think its just weird. I've been honest with those I love, I think they need to join the rest of us "normal people" and write with their right hands. I think I am going to design a shirt that says "lefties are weirdo's" I think it will go over well in the dominated right handed world. These people get pencil, pen, marker, whatever all over their hand everytime they write anything and it looks all weird while they are doing it. I just dont understand this left handed sub culture? They even have their own stores, scissors, books about them, etc. They must be stopped and forced to write with their right hands! To make it fun and interesting I am adding a left handed picture because well, thats what I do.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Blog neglect...

I feel that since I have been neglecting my blog now is the time to really make this one a good one. Thus the many pictures with this post. These hott pictures are from my second official event Jingle Blast starring Jump 5. Jump 5 and I are officially tight now and this picture is my friend Sara that I work with at Southeast. I love this girl! As you can see she's a little like me! Ha ha! The event was a success and fun for all that attended! I'll try not to neglect my blog anymore....